There are many other gaming companies that supersede Empire Arcadia's financial abilities in terms of sponsoring players, but the true power of Empire Arcadia does not lie within in its ability to financially support players.
Sustainable competitive advantage: Simply an advantage one competitor has over another that cannot be simulated.

Empires weakness is the very market they and other companies seek to target. Gamers!

Now granted, gamer's come in all shapes, sizes and different ages, but generally speaking, most hardcore gamer's are between the ages of 14 & 24 and most casual gamer's fall within the ages of 5 and on. You might be thinking this is a large target market! How could anybody go wrong with these type of odds. Well first, lets be clear on what a hardcore gamer is and what a casual gamer is in "Industry lingo". The hardcore gamer's are the ones you see above and to the right, they are the die hard fans/players willing to dish out large percentages of their money and time in order to support and expand the communities which harbor their games. Unfortunately, most hardcore gamer's are broke and have or will reach the age in which their lives or interest might turn them into either "part-time" gamer's or they just do not compete or play anymore. The casual gamer can be anyone who owns a system and has no interest in competing and would simply like to enjoy his or her game in peace at home, spending about only a maximum of about 8 hrs a week playing games. Now lets get back to our question of how this hinders Empire, well for one as I mentioned before the life span of hardcore gamer can be a short one and even though they are willing to dish out money, as I mentioned before, it does not mean that they have it. The casual gamer is a tricky entity, as her or she can be quite fickle with how he our she wants to spend his or her money and they tend to be very black and white about their feelings towards the community. Although I said the casual gamer wants to be left alone, it does not mean they are to be ruled out. Casual gamer's will either support the community from a distance or become more intimately involved without becoming a hardcore gamer. Timing is everything! If a game is no longer popular or is "dying" due to lack of community support, well guess what? That Market is gone! Any amount of effort and time that was put in to targeting that market, gone!
Strength in diversity
Empire is highly diverse, maintaining and achieving championships / world records in multiple platforms of games. As stated before, do to the the dense population of gamer's it has under its label, Empire is able to adapt and quickly change suit to whatever the gaming community and Industry demands. Remember a companies success can also be determined by how many doors are open to them. If you view the link I provided here and you take a look at the tournament results under Super street fighter IV arcade edition 2012, you should see Emp Sanford Kelly as the winner. after his victory here at Apex 2014 in New Jersey, Sanford Kelly was offered the opportunity to fly out to Germany at ESGN's fight night. He trip was an all paid expense and he was paid for his appearance in Germany and the event was televised.
One door can only lead to another. His interview starts at around 8:50
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