Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Ch. 10 - Product Concepts

     The advantage of the Empire brand and the brand of the franchise players who work for it.

Although product concepts are the main theme of this chapter, we are going to focus more on the power of branding and how Empire utilizes it. Please remember, when it comes to Empire the product is technically the player! I say this because in my previous blogs we discussed this quite a number of times.

Empire utilizes it's brand to establish a legacy, this legacy creates "repeat customers" who either return to Empire whether or not the same players or products are still available. Allow me to further explain, Empire has been around for more then a decade and just like any other competitive genre every person has his or her "life span". Empire the brand has ways around this! Empire is a brand name and the players affiliated with it gain power by being under it's brand name. The easiest thing for a player to do is immortalize themselves, this means accomplish something under the Empire brand name that is unique and cannot be replicated. A method Empire uses to help establish their players in the books forever, is setting world records in games they excel at. Although these world records can be broken be anyone else the rule of thumb will always stand that if you are the first and (or) in the books then you shall never be forgotten.

To the right is Tri-force Game master at the premiere of his movie King of Kong at this time he was also inducted into the video game hall of fame, he is also the founder and CEO of Empire Arcadia. Companies and other brands usually seek to co-brand with Empire do to its high amount of prestigious accomplishments. This is how Empire truly builds it's mass network of "repeat costumers", as one might think this could be risky if Empire affiliated themselves with a brand that has or gains a bad rep. While this might effect Empire, it has minimal effects on their future reputation because it is just as I said before you immortalize yourself on paper and you shall never be forgotten. Co-branding has been the key to Empire's success, affiliating themselves with companies who place their brand names on Empire's products which are used by the players and Empire as a whole at live events, in media or online. 

 And just to remind you, the consumer for Empire is not only the individual consumer who seeks to buy their shirt or hardware, it also the companies that seek advertisement through use of Empire's strong brand name in order to increase traffic in their own companies.

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