Oh man I am really squeezing here! we have almost talked about everything Empire could offer, but something just feels kind of feels out of place. What could that be? Well so far, I previously discussed that Empire's main source of revenue heavily relied on the "service" its players provided for other companies who are willing to pay. One thing I never discussed in regards to this is the players direct role of how it aids Empire.
Now briefly revisiting what I stated in previous blogs.
1. We know the player has a fan base and can attract a crowd
2. We know the player can be individually contracted by companies to fulfill any specific marketing task.
3. We know that Empire also lease their players out to other companies.
Just in case number 3 was not clear. If you look below you will notice CTRL / EMP.
Perfect example of another company utilizing the prestige of EMP and attaching their name so that it will be headlined in results. Needless to say the players make this possible, by winning. If I may humbly brag for a moment, the personalities and play style's of Empires players create experience quality to heavy degrees for the returning consumer. Crazy thing is as far as winning goes, Empire does not even have to win, it has enough franchise players in it's grasp that the reliability of the service is there. The service while not always accurate as far as to what other companies or consumers are looking for from the player, but one thing can always be said about Empire is that they are consistent. Any company pairing up with Empire has always seen an increase in traffic for their business and an increase in products sold.
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